Who We Are

We are a team of highly trained Career Coaches (Ph.D.s and M.A.s) who understand that career and mental health are inextricably linked; our mission is to improve wellbeing by helping people find and get hired in the right career.



DR. Katherine Kirkinis

Chief Executive Officer

Janelle Baptiste, Esq.

Immigration Lawyer (JD)

Ted Kirkinis

Director of Intake

Morgan dunn

Career Testing Specialist

Kimberly Palmore

Head Career Coach (M.ED.)
ADHD Coach

Julia Hawkes

Vice President & Director of Partnerships

Pierre halabu

Career Coach (MS, LLPC)

Lily zhao

Resume Writer
Job Search Concierge

Isabella Cassell

Resume Writer

Davita Louie

Job Search Concierge

Niki Yarnot

Director of Clinical Services (MSW, LASW)

Dante Rosh

Executive Coach (MA)

Heidi Peveto

Career Testing Specialist

Julia Simkus

Career Coach
(MA-Level Intern)

Eva Simpson-Abrams

Career Coach (LCAT, MT-BC, MS)

Dr. Rowena Winkler

ATS Expert (Ph.D.)

Hayley Brooks

Resume Writer

Kathryn Dirrig

Head Career Coach (MSW)
Entrepreneurial Coach

Jasmine Bass

Career Testing Specialist (MSW)

Brittney Hancock

Recruiter Consultant
Resume Writer


Why We’re Here



Katherine Kirkinis, Ph.D., Founder

I started my career as a psychotherapist in a private practice working with young adults around identity issues (racial and gender identity, to be exact). It turns out, when you ask people about identify and mental health, career often comes up. It turned out that career, identity, and mental health are intertwined for many people. My work became centered around themes of career change and wanting to feel more fulfillment in their work lives. 

My small practice became shockingly popular—most therapists dread working with career issues and they were sending all their career confused clients to me! I had so many clients coming for career coaching, but no way other than the traditional route (lots of sessions) to help them, and I was frustrated that only the wealthy could afford this type of support. That fueled me to go back to school to pursue a Ph.D. in psychology and to learn more about career assessment and testing.

I continued my career coaching practice while taking a full course load and conducting research, which was…a lot of work! It took a few years of testing and experimentation to compile the right set of validated career assessments that would provide the quick relief and career direction my clients were seeking. I found that with a data-driven approach, I could help clients get to the answer of “what should I do with my life?” in as little as a few hours! 🙌 🙌 🙌

As my work evolved, so did my clients' needs. We have since added supportive Career Coaching and Writing Services to the mix to create full-service, holistic career support. On top of that, we’ve made Social Justice a core part of our mission as we work to level the playing field in the workplace.

When I was completely overwhelmed with the influx of clients, I asked the smartest, most talented people I know to join me: Dr. Michael McCutcheon, Hayley Brooks, Niki Yarnot, Julia Hawkes, and the rest of our amazing team!

We've grown and expanded with a team of brilliant, ambitious Career Coaches! Since then, we have been sharing our skills and expertise with the world, working with clients all over the U.S. and abroad helping them to find and build happy, fulfilling lives that meet both their financial and emotional needs! 🌎 ❤️

15 Minutes Could Change Your Life!

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