Does Gen Z Really Have a Work Ethic Problem?

Boomers, Gen X, Gen Z, & Millennials: Working Together Without Losing Our Minds

Unpopular opinion: I don’t think any generation is better than any other. They each have their strengths and weaknesses, and many of us are working and living together in the same companies and communities! Generational differences can cause tension, to say the least–especially at work! Gen Z, in particular, has been labeled as having “a work ethic problem”, but I don’t agree with that either. Gen Z has a very different mindset when it comes to work than older generations–yes–but it doesn't need to be seen as problematic. 

The Ripple Effect: How One Generation Shapes the Next

Understanding how one generation shapes the next provides valuable context for these patterns. Boomers faced significant challenges that today, many take for granted. Their struggles fostered a culture of seizing every opportunity, often at the expense of work-life balance. As parents, they prioritized career advancement, leaving Gen X and Millennials to grow up more independently. This upbringing instilled in Gen X and Millennials a sense of resilience and self-reliance, though it also meant they lacked the parental involvement that is emphasized today.

When Gen X and Millennials became parents, they sought better balance in their careers and family lives. Benefiting from a strong economy and stable employment opportunities, they embraced the idea that life extends beyond work. This shift in values influenced how they raised Gen Z, many of whom grew up with parents who made an effort to be present—with varying degrees of success.

Effort Optional? The Consequences of Participation Trophy Culture

As Gen X and Millennials entered the workforce, they further emphasized boundaries between work and personal life. Their push for flexibility and fulfillment at work set the stage for Gen Z, who were raised with even more parental involvement. For Gen Z, work-life balance isn’t just important—it’s expected. They’ve grown up in an era where equity and recognition are a given, leading to the rise of "participation trophy" culture. In the past, only special efforts were recognized with accolades and trophies - the “student of the month” or “team MVP”. While this old model was at times lacking in inclusivity, it did uphold the idea that only effort and merit would be recognized. The pendulum then swung to the other side of the spectrum, with an insistence that every participant be recognized, regardless of effort or outcome. Every student has a chance to be “student of the week”, it is no longer tied to outstanding academic achievement, upstanding behavior, or exemplary kindness. This model is, by definition, more inclusive, but has also led to an understanding that putting extra effort into something is not necessary, as all will be rewarded. Has this had an impact on Gen Z in the workplace? Perhaps. 

I Played by the Rules—Where’s My Reward?

Anecdotal evidence from clients in our Career Coaching firm, Wanderlust Careers,  suggests that a growing frustration among Gen Z in the U.S. (specifically new grads) is that there is an expectation that a college degree, internship experience, and good grades will lead to a well-paying, full-time job that can support rent for an apartment in a major city and independent living upon graduation. 

For some new grads, this is reality—often with the help of family financial support and/or professional connections. However, for most, the journey from graduation to stable employment is usually non-linear, with the first few years filled with multiple part-time jobs, temp work, and/or independent contractor gigs to gain experience. Not to mention the relentless hard work of applications, research/follow ups, networking, informational interviews and thank you notes. 

This disconnect is a major point of contention between generations: Gen Z seems to bristle at the idea of "jumping through hoops" to secure a job, whereas older generations expect that high-paid, full-time roles are not usually offered with ease or before "paying their dues" (i.e., gaining experience). 

This Gen Z generalization is of course not true for all–a major exception seems to be young people of lower-income and/or immigrant families (or just hard-working families in general!), many of whom have seen their parents work and make sacrifices to attain what they have. Young people who have witnessed first hand that there are no guarantees, even if you follow all of the rules, seem to be the ones who seem to demonstrate grit, perseverance, and a strong work ethic, and are therefore less downtrodden or deterred by early career challenges. 

Overnight Success? The Social Media Effect

Another factor has drastically altered the landscape: social media. Unlike Boomers and Gen X, who grew up without its influence, most Millennials and Gen Z have been shaped by a hyper-connected world, ripe with opportunities for comparison. Social media seems to have amplified the pressure to "keep up with the Joneses" on an unprecedented scale. People are inundated with images of carefully curated (often extravagant) lifestyles, and it’s not always clear exactly how these lifestyles are funded (i.e., influencer marketing deals, generational wealth, or otherwise). Furthermore, many social media influencers flaunt how easy it is to earn high with little effort (often en route to selling their product/book/retreat that will help you to do the same). Success seems to have become increasingly measured by appearances, which may also be distorting expectations around work and achievement. The result seems to be a belief that success and affluence comes quickly and easily to many—whether it’s landing a dream job or gaining financial independence. The reality, of course, is much different.

The COVID-19 Crisis: Redefining Boundaries and Priorities

The COVID-19 pandemic seems to also have had a substantial impact on workplace mentality and boundaries, particularly in the USA. The Great Resignation was mainly an American economic trend in 2022 in which employees voluntarily resigned from their jobs en masse because of blurred lines between work and personal life, leading to burnout. Many employees re-evaluated their priorities, seeking jobs with better flexibility and work-life balance. Companies that didn’t offer remote or hybrid options saw higher quit rates. For many, it was about seeking a better life, even if it meant taking on financial risk of quitting without another job lined up. 

In 2025, when U.S. workers do secure jobs, it seems that many (especially younger generations) have very specific expectations around work culture (e.g., I will never be available past 5PM) that often differ from those of their older employers (e.g., I will make myself available after hours if/when needed), perhaps in part due to the burnout and rebellion they witnessed/experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Work to Live vs. Live to Work: The Mindsets That Shape Careers

Many Americans (especially Gen Z) tend to view work as a means to support their life rather than also being a core part of their identity. This mindset shift is quite different from the generations before them, many of whom see career as a core part of their identity. This mindset shift is neither positive or negative–both “working to live” and “living to work” are acceptable ways of being. 

An extension of the “work to live” mindset is “quiet quitting”, a term that blew up on TikTok in 2022, which is when employees decide to do only the bare minimum at work—to meet job expectations but never to go above and beyond (e.g., they stop working extra hours, taking on additional responsibilities, or putting in any unpaid emotional labor). Essentially, they only do what they’re paid for. It gained traction because of burnout and feeling overworked and underappreciated. Instead of quitting outright, they set rigid work-life boundaries.

It seems that those who participate in “quiet quitting” and “work to live” mindsets tend to be people who do not find meaning in their work and/or are not interested in their work. Some people love their work and would do it regardless of if they were paid to do it–others have not found paid (or paid well enough) work that affords them that kind of stimulus or pleasure. There can be many barriers to finding work you enjoy (e.g., lack of exposure, location, lack of education/skills, etc.), and even some well-resourced people just don’t enjoy any work–that’s fair too! 

That being said, the attitude that tends to come along with a “work to live” mentality can sometimes be one of nonchalance or indifference in the workplace. For employers, that can easily translate to entitlement, not being a team player, and/or a lack of work ethic–which can in turn create problems for the employee (e.g., getting laid off/fired, not offered raises/promotions/ new opportunities, etc.). 

Finding Middle Ground

Having boundaries is a good thing and there’s nothing negative about a “work to live” or “live to work” mindset. However, somewhere between the two extremes lies a healthy balance: one where both work ethic is strong, and boundaries to prevent burnout are implemented

Preventing burnout is undeniably important and worth advocating for, and worklife balance should be a priority for all, but having those things doesn’t have to mean becoming a demanding, inflexible, or apathetic team member.

Team members who demonstrate teamwork and flexibility—whether by staying late once in a while for an important meeting or accommodating a critical client off hours—will likely be noticed, thus, special requests later are much more likely to be granted. 

Ultimately, success in the modern workplace isn’t about clinging to outdated expectations of workaholism or having unmovable boundaries. It’s about mutual understanding, adaptability, and a willingness to work as a team and meet in the middle. Here are some tips on how to have boundaries, without seeming apathetic: 

Say No AND Yes to Something Else. One way to do this is to say “no” to the thing you can’t/don’t want to do, but say “yes” to something else (e.g., “I can’t make that meeting after hours on Friday, but I can prepare my questions beforehand, review the recording, and send you my notes”). 

Negotiate Before an Outright “No”. I don’t have the capacity to take on another client in my 40-hour week. But, if you need me to take one for the team, I can do it for overtime pay, or in exchange for an additional WFH day the week. 

Be Willing to Try. I’m not particularly interested in social media, but if you really need someone to manage the account, I can learn to do the job for a period of time to help as a temporary stop-gap. 

Be a Good Communicator. If you’re going to be out, send a clear message (e.g., “I will be out for 3 days, returning on x day due to x reasons.”) Respond to your colleagues in a timely manner. Don’t leave messages unread or unacknowledged for more than 1 work day during the work week without communication that you’re OOO! 

For employers: 

Be Clear About the Ask. If you are asking for something that is beyond a known boundary/outside of the work norm, say so! “I know this is not typically something you do, but we have a special situation and I wondered if you would consider helping with x…by doing y”

Be Open to Suggestions. When an employee pushes back or declines to step-up to an extra need/task, ask them for ideas (e.g., “I understand. Do you have any other ideas for how we can get this need met?”). 

Don’t Overask. Special circumstances arise, we get it! Sometimes you need a team member to go the extra mile. A once-in-a-while ask is fine, but if you find yourself asking for extra all the time though, it’s time to reassess. Maybe you need to hire additional help, or need to consider increasing the pay as well as the responsibilities of the person you keep going to for help. Regularly asking employees to bend their boundaries will only result in unhappiness, and potential loss of great people.

Achieving this balance is absolutely possible, but respect and flexibility needs to be met with flexibility and respect from both employers and employees! If both parties can find space to give and take with maturity and professionalism, it could make for a very pleasant team environment, across generations! 

Katherine KirkinisComment